Original Watercolours by
   Stephen Morris   
Porthloo, St. Marys, Isles of Scilly, Cornwall, TR21 0NE, UK
Telephone: 01720 422535
Email Enquiries: glandoregallery@gmail.com

   ArtEvent Exhibition, Lille, France   
with the Gaudi Gallery of Madrid - November 2004

Mesembryanthemum Harbour, St. Marys, Isles of Scilly

“Mesembryanthemum Harbour”

Watercolour with some pastel
27 1/2 inches tall x 9 3/4 inches wide.

These Mesembryanthemum flowers, growing on the wall on the Strand overlooking St Marys busy little harbour, were painted on mornings in June 2004. The bright sun causes them to open and blanket the granite walls with colour. It is a busy place with many locals and visitors looking over my shoulder to see the painting. People on the islands are very friendly and many stop to chat. However, concentrating on the intricate beauty and detail of these small numerous flowers is so absorbing that sometimes I hardly notice anyone passing at all!

Glandore Gallery
featuring artwork taken from original watercolour paintings of landscapes on Scilly and wildflowers by

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